Working in Harmony with nature – The E-Boat
Lindsay Noë – Owner, E-Boat Folkloric Explorer
Pierre Sénèque – Boat designer & builder
Indiren Armoogum – Artisanal fisherman
Julien Gufflet – Founder & Manager of Otentik Eco-tent experience
A video about the story of a locally engineered solar-driven boat for touristic trips along the lagoon of Mahebourg, south-east of Mauritius. A traditional fisherman depicts the pleasures and resilence of sail-fishing
Julien explains the creation of an eco-tent tourist accommodation near Grande Rivière Sud-est with the idea of being mobile if need be and not only having the lightest footprint on the site but also rehabilitating the plot of land from extensive sugar-cane plantation to a tropical garden packed with vegetables, spices and herbs served in the restaurant. Otentic is a successful example of a sustainable tourism enterprise empowering the local population.